The goal of Ladd Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) is to maintain strong “up to date" Telecommunications Engineering divisions capable of performing services at any location in the southeastern region of the United States. In order to achieve this, the continued effort to remain current on the technologies, regulatory changes and developments in the industry will be made by qualified personnel willing to foster the professional attitude and viewpoints upon which the LEA corporation was founded.


Ladd Engineering is a full service Telecommunications Engineering firm offering expertise in the various fields of Telecommunications, video, VOD, high speed data, Triple Play and/or any combination thereof.


We provide different levels of service for different clients according to their need to supplement the efforts of the client’s in-house engineering staff, we want to be sure that the client knows the full scope of work that LEA is capable of handling.


Employee experience as well as training, certifications and cutting edge technology drive LEA's capacity for performance. Give us the opportunity to offer solutions for your next project.